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학회지 > 논문검색
논문 검색
Jin Sung Kim, Soon Keol Kim, Joon Choe
Departmet of plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, College of Medicine, Inje University, Seoul, Korea
The Technique for Correction of Male Nipple Hypertrophy: The Sinusoidal Wave Form Excision and Purse-String Suture Method
J Korean Soc Aesth Surg 2003 (Mar) 009(05) 22-26
Nipple hypertrophy, Male, Reduction
Ksaps009-01-05.pdf Ksaps009-01-05.pdf
Nipple hypertrophy is not a common condition in male but it can cause psychological and social disturbances to young male patients and hinder them from participating in various recreational activities. The main goal of nipple reduction is cosmesis in male, but functional goals are more important in females. Several methods1-5 of reduction have been described. However very few6-8 adress the problem of male nipple hypertrophy.
In our report, we have described the technique for nipple hypertrophy in male using sinusoidal wave form excision and purse-string suture method. We have used this technique for a male nipple hypertrophy patient and had good aesthetic result without any postoperative complications.
김진성, 김순걸, 최준
인제대학교 의과대학 성형외과학교실
2003 (Mar) 009(05) 22-26