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학회지 > 논문검색
논문 검색
Ik Soo Koh, Hee Youn Choi*
"Koh Ik Soo Aesthetic Clinic., Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, College of Medicine, Hanyang University, Hospital, Seoul, Korea."
J Korean Soc Aesth Surg 1998 (Sep) 004(15) 300-307
Subcision, Depressed scar, Wrinkles, Collagen
Ksaps004-02-15.pdf Ksaps004-02-15.pdf
This study is on our experiences of 12 cases of subcision. Subcision is that cut under through a puncture with needle. This procedure can be used for depressed round-down and dispensable scar, depressed scar after acne and chicken pox, posttraumatic and postoperative scar, and previous drain site, wrinkles, depressed graft site, dimples after cellulite, anchoring fibrous band.
  We performed 12 cases of subcision between April 1994 through March 1995. There are 5 males and 7 females, range in age from 13 to 59 years old (median age 25.3 years). Follow-up duration was 6 months on the average. The reasons of the operation included 9 cases of depressed scars, posttraumatic scar (4 cases), after acne (3 cases), chicken pox (1 case), postoperative scar (1 case), and 3 cases of wrinkles.
  Several complications were found immediately after operation within 1 weeks, edema, ecchymosis,  and erythema (2 cases), and delayed complication was notified as overcorrection(1 case), prolonged erythema(1 case) and long lasting milia(1 case) from several weeks to months, We experienced 5 cases of complication above mentioned but the immediate complication was resolved within POD # 2 weeks. The overall complication rate for subcision is 25 percent ( 2 of 8) and complications were minimal.
  We divided operative result as excellent, good, and poor by satisfaction of the patients. The result was analyzed 3 excellent, 3 good, and 2 poor degree.
  The mechanism of this procedure is inducing new collagen formation in cutted site by needle. The collagen formation plays an important role in elevation of depressed scars and wrinkles.
  Subcision is simple, inexpensive and ready available operative method of first choice for correction of depressed scar wrinkles.
고익수. 최희윤*
고익수 성형외과, 한양대학교 의과대학 성형외과학 교실*
"주사침을이용한피하절개법(Subcision)으로연조직 함몰을교정한치험례"
1998 (Sep) 004(15) 300-307