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논문 검색
Ing Gon Kim, Ik Soo Koh*
"Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, School of Medicine, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea., Koh Ik Soo Aesthetic Clinic.*"
J Korean Soc Aesth Surg 1998 (Sep) 004(14) 288-299
Endoscopically assisted face lift, Unfavorable result and pitfalls of face lift
Ksaps004-02-14.pdf Ksaps004-02-14.pdf
Endoscopic techniques in plastic and aesthetic surgery are rapidly becoming an accepted part of the surgical armamentarium particularly when these techniques refer to facial rejuvenation. Doing the endoscopic face lift, however, the most of all plastic surgeon came out the complications and cause of unfavorable results, because we did not have any standards of accurate indication.
  For prevention of these unfavorable results and pitfalls, it is important to find out these causes and to consider the solutions of the problems. With the emphasis on this point, we have studied the problems of the endoscopically assisted facelift through the preoperative and postoperative evaluation and the follow-up of the 81 patients, who visited our clinic, The caused of unfavorable results are the patients who have Mongoloid slant, previous blepharoplasty, foreigh body injection in soft tissue, asymmetric facial expression, fatty and thick face, high hair line and sunken upper eyelid. Avoiding and preventing unfavorable results needs followings; 1. Precise preoperative evaluation, 2. Preoperative explanation of expected results, 3. Modification of operative procedure, 4. Adjunctive operation.
  Precise preoperative evaluation is emphasized on asymmetric facial expression, high hair line, and sunken upper eyelids. And we think it essential to account for these expected postoperative results to patients. These cases contain followings; prolonged edema in previous blepharoplasty, foreign body in soft tissue; less effective results in fatty and thick facail skin, foreign body in soft tissue; not corrected in asymmetric facial expression. Operative procedure should be modified in Mongoloid slant of Orientals. The modification consists of more lowered, vertical temporal incision than Caucasian. And it is necessary that adjunctive operation, such as reduction of supraorbital ridge and zygoma, is combined to sunken upper eyelids and prominent zygoma.
  We conclude that the method to obtain better postoperative results in Orientals are appropriate patient selection, precise preoperative evaluation, sufficient explanation about expected result, careful and modified operative procedure for Orientals, and adjunctive operation
김잉곤. 고익수*
한양대학교 의과대학 성형외과학교실, 고익수 성형외과*
1998 (Sep) 004(14) 288-299