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학회지 > 논문검색
논문 검색
Sung Don Cho, Paik Kwon Lee, Do Myung Chang, Young Jin Kim, Poong Lim
"Department of Plastic Surgery, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea"
J Korean Soc Aesth Surg 1998 (Sep) 004(11) 263-267
Striae distensae, Tissue expander
Ksaps004-02-11.pdf Ksaps004-02-11.pdf
Many complications such as infection, expander exposure, and flap necrosis have been reported after tissue expander insertion. However, striae distensae as a complication of tissue expansion has not been reported. We experienced 2 cases of striae distensae following tissue expansion.
  The cause and pathogenesis of striae distensae have not been fully understood, but many studies
suggest the associated factors; stretching, age, glucocorticoid, skin characteristics, obesity, growth spurt and pregnancy etc. An effective treatment is not yet known.
  Striae distensae is a possible complication following the tissue expansion of the thin skin area, such as the medial aspect of upper arm and medial thigt, especially in young female and special care should be taken to avoid it during tissue expansion.
조성돈, 이백권, 장도명, 김영진, 임풍
가톨릭대학교 의과대학 성형외과학교실
"조직확장후발생한 팽창선조(striaedistensae)2례의경험"
1998 (Sep) 004(11) 263-267