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학회지 > 논문검색
논문 검색
Bong-Soo Baik, Dong-Gul Lee
"Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Kyungpook National University Hospital College of Medicine, Taegu, Korea "
J Korean Soc Aesth Surg 1998 (Sep) 004(09) 243-250
Crow's feet deformity, Orbicularis oculi muscleplasty
Ksaps004-02-09.pdf Ksaps004-02-09.pdf
Crow's feet, nasolabial folds, and malar fat pads are difficult to improve by standard facialplasty techniques. The crow's feet are caused by the repeated and exaggerated action of the orbicularis oculi muscle, and they are exacerbated by descent of the lateral brow and intrinsic changes of the aging skin. Techniques for surgical correction of the crow's feet deformity include the interruption of the vertical contractile component of the lateral orbicularis oculi muscle and redraping of the lateral periorbital skin after release of dermomuscular attachments.
  For the correction of facial skin laxity and crow's feet, authors operated on 13 patients using a combination of orbicularis oculi muscleplasty, SMAS face lift and lower blepharoplasty. The procedure of the orbicularis oculi muscleplasty is that after complete horizontal division of the orbicularis oculi near the lateral canthus, the devided muscle edges are beveled and sutured to the temporal fascia after transfering the edges posterosuperiorly and posteroinferiorly.
  The postoperative result was arbitrarily defined as excellent when patients could recognize remarkable improvement of the crow's feet with a wide smile, as good with moderate improvement, as fair with mild improvement, and as poor with no improvement. 10 of 13 patients were followed up more than 6 months. Six patients had excellent results and three patients had good results but one patient fair result. The procedure presented here is a safe and reliable method for the crow's feet deformity.
백봉수, 이동걸
경북대학교 의과대학 성형외과학교실
"눈초리의주름살(crow'sfeet)변형을 교정하기위한안륜근성형술과안면성형술"
1998 (Sep) 004(09) 243-250