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학회지 > 논문검색
논문 검색
Tae Jo Kang, M.D.
Yujin Plastic Surgery
Temporary Subject
2012 (Jun) 18(01) 1-6
Fat Graft, Breast, Mammolasty
Ksaps18-2,75-80-01.pdf Ksaps18-2,75-80-01.pdf
After numerous experiments with free-fat transfer since 1893, many promising methods and results of
large-volume fat graft have been published recently. A common disadvantage was the time of the procedure
and a lack of proof of efficiency. This method was evaluated in a prospective clinical study with 100 patients,
the overall number of transplantations amounting to 342 treated breasts. Indications were general lack
of breast volume, either genuine or acquired in the course of surgical procedures. The fat was harvested
with the water jet assisted method, which consists in general of the harvest of very small fat particles by
means of water-assisted liposuction (body-jet, human med AG, Germany) and reinjection of the fat after
separation from superfluous water by means of the Lipo-Collector. All procedures were performed in a
standardized pattern, measurements were taken preoperatively, at day 1 postop, after 1 week, 4 weeks,
3months, 6months. An 3D imaging of the breasts was taken preoperatively and 6 months postoperatively,
the longest follow-up is 24 months. Operation time was 2 hours on average. In every case a definite increase
of the volume was observed. There was no macroscopic oily cyst. The volume control of 75 aesthetic
patients by 3D image could verify a permanent take rate of 62±11% of the grafted fat. In aesthetic patients
generally 2 (80%) fat-grafted procedures with an average gain in volume of 1/2 bra cup size or 100~150 ml)
per procedure were required. After implant removal, satisfaction was usually reached after only a single
procedure. (Archives of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 18: 75, 2012)
지방을 이용한 유방확대술
2012 (Jun) 18(01) 1-6