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학회지 > 논문검색
논문 검색
Jung Oh Kwon, M.D., Myung Jong Lee, M.D., Kun Ho Lee, M.D., Min Ho Choi, M.D.
Noblesse Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery Clinic, Busan, Korea
Masseter Muscle Reduction Using Radiofrequency Rhizotomy
J Korean Soc Aesth Surg 2008 (Mar) 014(08) 43-48
Masseter hypertrophy, Radiofrequency, Rhizotomy, Masseteric nerve
Ksaps014-01-08.pdf Ksaps014-01-08.pdf
Most Korean women prefer ovoid face to squared one and many female patients with squared face want to reduce their lower facial width. Mandibular angle ostectomy and botulinum toxin injection used to be the most common procedures performed to produce this purpose. After botulinum toxin, a series of non-invasive methods to reduce masseter muscle hypertrophy have been introduced. Radiofrequency rhizotomy was first used to treat chronic pain, such as, trigeminal neuralgia and showed good and long-lasting results. This concept of rhizotomy technique was then modified to block motor nerve conduction and used to treat motor dysfunction including painful spasticity. We tried this technique to reduce masseter hypertrophy by blocking the masseteric nerve using radiofrequency. From March 2007 to October 2007, 19 female patients underwent this masseter reduction using radiofrequency rhizotomy and follow-up period was 2 to 6 months. Most results showed reduction of masseter volume with improvement of lower facial contour and no significant complication occurred. The advantages of this method are safety, durability and cost-effectiveness and we think that this technique can be a good alternative method for treating masseter hypertrophy. But, longer follow-up periods and further studies are required to consolidate long-term results.
권중오, 이명종, 이건호, 최민호
노블레스 성형외과
고주파 신경차단술을 이용한 교근퇴축술
2008 (Mar) 014(08) 43-48