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학회지 > 논문검색
논문 검색
Han Kyung Shin, M.D., Jae Hak Jung, M.D., Young Hwan Kim, M.D., Hook Sun, M.D.,PhD.,
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, College of Medicine, InJe University, Busan, Korea
Correction of Pixie Ear Using Non-incisional Method
J Korean Soc Aesth Surg 2004 (Sep) 010(11) 111-114
Pixie ear, Non-incisional method
Ksaps010-02-11.pdf Ksaps010-02-11.pdf
There is a long tradition to decorate the ear lobules, so the ear lobules have some special meaning compare to other accessory organs of a face. Among many deformities of ear lobule the pixie ear is a long lopped ear which does not have a narrow part between the ear lobule and the cheek. Especially, it is considered unfortunate because of the oriental tradition that the thick and round ear lobule brings good luck. Nakamura and others defined the pixie ear by the angle of the vertical line and the bottom line of the ear lobule, and when the angle is between 30 to 69 degrees, it can be said the pixie ear. 
There are many reports about correction of the pixie ear which occurs after face lifting, but there is not a manual method and several surgeons use various methods. 
We have performed operations by the nonincisional method for the last 1 year. A simplified technique for correction of the pixie earlobe deformity is presented. Three stab incisions are made at the base of the ear lobule, at a 9 o'clock, 6 o'clock, and 3 o'clock postauricular position in three women without rhytidectomy. A subdermal triangular 4-0 prolene suture is passed inferiorly down through the 9 o'clock incision, exited the 6 o'clock incision, passed posteriorly up and out through the 3 o'clock postauricular incision. Once again, the suture is returned. Compared to the existing methods, this method is simple, does not take much time and make the better shape, because the quantity of ear lobule can be maintained thanks to the unnecessity of skin incision. In this article, we reported about this method on the basis of literature review and clinical experience.
신한경·정재학·김영환·선 욱
인제대학교 의과대학 부산백병원 성형외과학교실
매몰법을 이용한 칼귀의 교정법
2004 (Sep) 010(11) 111-114